In September 2011 one of the most severe droughts of the past decennia threatened the Horn of Africa. On this account, the UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, started a project to study the groundwater system of the Merti Aquifer. The main objective was to get an insight in the possibility to extract groundwater for drinking water purposes from the aquifer.
Acacia water was commissioned to carry out the project. The amount of freshwater available was determined, the maximum sustainable extraction from the aquifer was calculated, possible locations for groundwater extraction wells were indicated and a monitoring strategy was developed. To provide recommendations regarding the previous subjects hydrogeological data collected over the past decennia was analysed and a numerical groundwater model was developed to calculate the effects of the projected extractions. Unfortunately, however, it was not possible to provide a concluding advice based upon the numerical model. The available monitoring data was not sufficient to properly calibrate and validate the model.
Despite the setback, the groundwater model led to an improved understanding, conceptualization and functioning of the hydrogeological system of the Merti Aquifer.