The Ziway-Shalla basin (Central Rift Valley, Ehtiopia) suffers from a combination of land degradation and agricultural expansion. The agricultural expansion is marked by a shift from rainfed to irrigated horticulture, resulting in intensification in the use of water resources and ultimately a…
This week, our colleage Koos Groen is in Bangladesh to support the training on Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA). CSA in Bangladesh is a young research field and a lot is to be learned on how CSA in Bangladesh can contribute to a more resilient agricultural sector. In this project the two…
The Government of Burkina Faso is developing integrated water resource management (IWRM) plans for micro-scale level catchments. To assist their staff with the development and implementation of such plans, The Directorat Regional de l’Eau et de Assainissement (DREA-Nord) applied for a course. Thanks…
Burkina Faso experiences the impacts of climate change and population growth. This has consequences for water management at the micro-basin scale, including setting up monitoring networks and taking measures to increase availability of water, especially in the dry season. In many cases small…