Conversion of geohydrological models for Oasen

From TRIWACO to MODFLOW 6 with FloPy

The drinking water company Oasen, The Netherlands, manages various geohydrological models to be able to model the groundwater flow and groundwater level changes around their extraction sites. The models are used for permit applications and changes, microbiological safety analyzes, residence time calculation, groundwater protection questions and to quantify the risks of contamination. The current Oasen models are often outdated and not user-friendly. That is why it is desirable that the models are converted into a user-friendly environment and updated to the most recent software. An additional wish is that the software used is open source.

Acacia Water converts the current Triwaco models to Modflow6 using FloPy. A database is first set up for the drinking water company, from which models can be generated. The database is filled with public data and then supplemented with valuable knowledge from the older models. Compared to the earlier Modflow versions, Modflow6 has more options for building up the grid. For example, calculations can soon be focused on the winning field and the interaction of the rivers, alongside which the drinking water extraction sites are located. With this modernization of the geohydrological models, the models are ’state of the art’ after delivery, user-friendly and updated with the most current parameters.

By carrying out the assignment in collaboration with the drinking water company and subsequently giving a course, it is guaranteed that the drinking water company can work with the FloPy software in the future.

For more information you can contact our colleague Annemieke van Doorn (

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