Course development for Burkina Faso

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) strategies for micro-basins

Burkina Faso experiences the impacts of climate change and population growth. This has consequences for water management at the micro-basin scale, including setting up monitoring networks and taking measures to increase availability of water, especially in the dry season. In many cases small reservoirs are used to supply irrigation water.

To assist the government with the with the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) strategies at the micro-basin level in Burkina Faso, a course is being developed by Acacia Water upon the request of the Direction Régionale de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement for NUFFIC (the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education) and in collaboration with the Woord en Daad Foundation focussing on implementation of mitigation measures in the region and in IWRM.

In January a visit was made to Ouagadougou by our colleagues Maarten Waterloo and Marie Hurlimann to identify training needs, and a field visit was done to develop measurement protocols. We are now developing the course material and a digital learning platform through which the course material will be distributed. The course will be given mid-April.

Burkina_Faso_group Burkina_Faso_group
Burkina_Faso_dam Burkina_Faso_dam