Hydrological & telemetric monitoring in Ethiopia

Measuring the impact of reforestation and Soil & Water Conservation

In the past 2 weeks colleagues of Acacia Water installed hydrological & telemetric monitoring sensors at water sources outlets (river, groundwater & springs) in Bedele and Harar, Ethiopia to measure the impact of upstream reforestation (tree planting) and Soil & Water Conservation (SWC) activities implemented under the BURQAA Livelihoods Initiative project (2000 – 2023) by World Vision Ethiopia (https://www.wvi.org/ethiopia) and Heineken Ethiopia (https://heinekenethiopia.com/). The tree planting and SWC activities aim to contribute to improved soil infiltration and thus longer and more water availability throughout the year, thereby compensating for downstream abstractions by the breweries.


An online monitoring dashboard for displaying the measured data will still be developed, while developments in the field of precipitation, soil moisture and water level changes will be closely monitored during the project duration. Another fieldwork mission to both locations to check and, where necessary, adjust the functioning of the sensors and systems will follow in November 2021. More extensive training and explanations will also be given to employees of Bedele & Harar Brewery, as well as to technical staff of district Water, Agriculture and Natural Resources departments.


For more information, please contact our colleague Stefan de Wildt (mailto:stefan.dewildt@acaciawater.com)

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